Kompetenzzentrum Sicheres Österreich (KSÖ)

The KSÖ is an independent organization and acts as a national security cluster that initiates campaigns and initiatives to promote safety in Austria. We have set ourselves the goal of providing information and conducting safety-related events & activities in order to act as the leading link between citizens, governmental organizations, business and media in Austria.

Another major task of the KSÖ is to identify new challenges and risks to the security situation in Austria – hereby analyzing & working together with the relevant governmental authorities.

Safety & prevention campaign
Having the slogan "Let´s make Austria more Secure" the safety campaign is aimed at the citizens of Austria.

We offer all individuals in Austria advice and education on how to protect his/her property and improve his/her personal safety: using just simple means all citizens can make Austria a bit more secure.

The objectives of the campaign:

  • information on prevention, security issues and services
  • building awareness and raising public interest on safety-related topics
  • promote a public discourse on security
  • stimulate public participation in issues of public safety
  • implementation of campaigns and information exchange platforms
  • scientific investigations, studies, surveys, and presentations on security issues

Cyber-Security-Initiative (CSI)

Cyber security has become a major topic in everybody’s life. Attacks from cyberspace can endanger our personal security, society as a whole and the economy in a way we cannot fully imagine yet.

Though the attacks are indeed virtual by nature – they are very real by impact.

Therefore back in 2011 the KSÖ has initiated a Cyber ​​Security Initiative together with the Austrian Ministry of Interior.  The KSÖ is working to expand its role as a stakeholder platform for politics, government agencies, business and science. Furthermore it will continue its growth path on being the number one network of expertise in the area of CS.

The objectives of the Cyber Security Initiative:

  • develop know-how and build awareness of governmental authorities and private businesses
  • promote a substantive, qualified public discourse on Cyber Security
  • establish a competence cluster on Cyber Security
  • Anticipation, monitoring and analysis of the cyber risks and opportunities in order to take appropriate decisions to exploit opportunities and manage the existing risks
  • promoting the use of reliable and trustworthy IT
  • improve coordination and cooperation with state bodies and the private sector