Other special tests developed by IR&C are e.g., Acrophobia Test (Mines in South Africa), pathological Gambling Detection (Novomatic, Casinos), Implicitly (Racism & Pedophile diagnosis, used in several jails), 360 Feedback, Time Management, Aero Mental Health Test battery, Corruption-Test, „Testing under Load “, Manager- Diary.
Additionally, IR&C has been providing consulting services in a wide range of areas with great success for many years.
Currently IR&C works on an AI-supported version of recruiting interview, again concentrating on Insider Threat Risk & Pathological Corruption Detection.
The secret of success lies in the balanced symbiosis of responding to customer wishes, motivated employees and the use of the latest technologies and findings. For the purpose of better and more objective verifiability of its work by the customer, IR&C have embedded their work in an official set of rules, namely in the Austrian OeNORM D 4000:2017-12, in the German DIN standard 33430 (2016-07) and in the International Test Commission Guidelines, 2013.
What does IR&C:
1. Clinical Psychology:
a) Psychology at health insurance funds (psychological diagnosis and counselling on health insurance voucher = free of charge)
b) Competence Centre for gambling addiction
c) Weapons law reliability testing
2. Test and tool development (online, offline, apps):
a) Tools for recruiting/personnel selection
b) 360 degree feedback
c) Customized company-specific performance tests
d) Tests for specific occupational groups
e) Test battery/simulations for special army/police units
f) Occupational psychology/evaluation of mental stress
g) App for 24h measurement of heart rate variability ("Manager Diary")
h) Online pair comparison to support far-reaching decisions
i) Online interest test for personnel development based on pair comparisons
3. Counselling & Diagnostics
a) Questions in areas of work-organization and business psychology
b) Health Psychology
c) Biofeedback/Neurofeedback/De-Sensitisation/stress type Diagnosis
d) Sport Psychology
IR&C, Dr. Jörg Prieler
Gumpendorferstr. 5/2
Stock/Top 8
A-1060 WienTel.: 0664 196 98 63