VAMED Group, founded in 1982, is one of the international market leaders in the field of health care and health tourism facilities. Based on the VAMED-philosophy "everything from one source" we provide a full range of services covering Design, Engineering, Construction, Equipping, Maintenance and Management of Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centres and Spa Centres.

VAMED Group focuses its activities exclusively on the Health Sector. A high performance network of approximately 60 companies worldwide makes VAMED Group a global player, offering a comprehensive portfolio of services.
VAMED Group employs a staff of approximately 18,600 people including highly qualified specialists in the field of architecture, engineering, medical equipment and functional planning, hospital information technology, project management, project financing and hospital management.
In more than 60 countries, around 500 major health care projects have been successfully completed by the VAMED Group. Management services are being provided to 140 hospitals with totally approx. 54,000 beds including three major European University Clinics in Germany and Austria.

VAMED Group is offering its know-how and expertise to the public and private Health Care Sector by providing services such as:

  • Design, construction, supply and installation of complete medical equipment packages including hospital IT-Systems of hospitals and rehabilitation centres in cooperation with local partners
  • Upgrading / refurbishment of existing hospitals
  • Facility management of hospitals  and technical maintenance of medical equipment
  • Full operational management of health care facilities of hospitals and Rehabilitation Centres


VAMED Aktiengesellschaft
Sterngasse 5
1230 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43-1-60127-0
Fax: +43-1-60127-108
